

  1. On lexicographic Gröbner bases whose primary ideals are triangular sets. Preprint (37p)

  1. Chinese remainder theorem for bivariate lexicographic Gröbner bases
    In proc. ISSAC'23, pp:208-2017 ACM press (2023). DOI

  2. Lexicographic Gröbner bases of bivariate polynomials modulo a univariate one.
    To appear in Journal of Symbolic Computation, Vol.110 (May-June 2022) pp:24-65, DOI.
    An earlier version is at arXiv:2010.14775 (50p). For Magma's implementation see here

  3. The effects of coating culture dishes with collagen on fibroblast cell shape and swirling pattern formation, Kei Hashimoto, Kimiko Yamashita, Kanako Enoyoshi, Xavier Dahan, Tatsu Takeuchi, Hiroshi Kori, and Mari Gotoh.
    J. of Biological Physics (2020) DOI (open access)

  4. On a non-archimedean Broyden method. with T. Vaccon.
    In Proceedings of ISSAC'20 pp:114-121 (2020), ACM Press. DOI. Or on ArXiv. Link to the Magma code.

  5. Computation of gcd-chain modulo the power of an irreducible polynomial.
    (Short version) In Proceedings of ADG'2018, pp:14-19 (2018). Nanning, China.

  6. On the bit-size of non-radical triangular sets in dimension zero.
    (Short version) In Proceedings of MACIS'17, pp: 264-269. LNCS 10693, Springer. arXiv:1710.06396)

  7. Gcd modulo a primary triangular set of dimension zero.
    In Proceedings of ISSAC'17, pp:109-116 (2017). Kaiserslautern, Germany, ACM Press. DOI

  8. Bit-size reduction of triangular sets in two and three variables with Tetsuro Yamashita.
    SCSS2016, 7th International Symposium on Symbolic Computation in Software Science. EPiC Series in Computing, Vol.39 pp:169-182, 2016.

  9. Regular graphs of large girth and of arbitrary degree.
    Combinatorica Vol.34 (4) pp:407-426, 2014 arXiv:1110.5259

  10. Computation of eigenvalues of Cayley graphs and application.
    In Proc. of WAAC'2013, Korea-Japan workshop on algorithms and computation, Suwon, Korea, July 2013. pp. 97-103.
         o    2番目に大きな固有値と(最短)閉路を計算するMAGMAでの作ったパッケージ. Graph package page
    o Long version: On the computation of the second largest eigenvalue and of the girth of Cayley graphs based on octonions and quaternions Preprint (31pp)

  11. Bit-size estimates for triangular sets in positive dimension , with A. Kadri and É. Schost.
    Journal of Complexity, Vol.28(1):109-135, Feb. 2012 arXiv:1008.3459

  12. Size of coefficients of lexicographical Gröbner bases
    In Proceedings of ISSAC'09, pp:119-126 (2009). Seoul, Korea. ACM Press.

  13. Evaluation properties of invariant polynomials with É. Schost and J.M. Wu.
    Journal of Symbolic Computation, Vol. 44(11):1592--1604, Nov. 2009

  14. Change of order for regular chains in positive dimension. with X. Jin, M. Moreno-Maza, and É. Schost.
    Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 392(1-3):37--65, February 2008.

  15. On the complexity of the D5 Principle with M. Moreno-Maza, É. Schost and Y. Xie.
    Proceedings of Transgressive Computing conference, Granada, Spain, 2006.

  16. Lifting techniques for triangular decompositions  , with E. Schost, M. Moreno Maza, W. Wu and Y. Xie.
    Proceedings of ISSAC'05, pp:108-115 (2005). Beijing, China. ACM Press.
    Distinguished student authors award

  17. Sharp estimates for triangular sets  , with E. Schost.
    In Proceedings of ISSAC'04, pp:103-110 (2004). Santander, Spain. ACM Press.
    Distinguished paper award

  1. Takanori Yasuda, Xavier Dahan, Kouichi Sakurai, "Characterizing, NTRU-Variants Using Group Ring and Evaluating their Lattice Security"
    IACR Cryptography e-print archive, https://eprint.iacr.org/2015/1170 (2015)

  2. Takanori Yasuda, Xavier Dahan, Yun-Ju Huang, Tsuyoshi Takagi, Kouichi Sakurai, " MQ Challenge: Hardness Evaluation of Solving Multivariate Quadratic Problems".
    IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive 2015: 275 (2015)

  3. Takanori Yasuda, Yuya Yamaguchi, Xavier Dahan, Kouichi Sakurai, " A new Matrix variant of NTRU ". (16pp) 請求に応じてお送りします。

  1. On bit-size estimates of triangular systems RIMS講究録, No. 1759, pp 26-42, Sept .2011 Proceedings of 「数式処理研究の新たな発展」 July 7-9 2010

  2. New construction of graphs with large girth obtained from "classical" ones RIMS講究録1811号、pp.130-134, 2012年10月 (RIMS研究集会 「有限群とその表現,頂点作用素代数,組合せ論の研究」 5-7日3月2012年)

  3. Application of height theory to some modular algorithms in Symbolic Computation (3pp) 「FORUM "Math-for-Industry" 2012」講究録, 22-26日10月, 2012, 福岡.

  1. (188pp)On the representation of polynomial systems: triangulation, modular methods, dynamic evaluation, 2006年11月24日に発表をしました. フランスの「エコールポリテクニック」でしました。 指導者はÉric Schost